◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., & Sakata, T.(2023)
Elucidation of Factors Shaping Sociality in Adolescents and Creation of a Developmental Model: A Cohort Study Outline. Center for the Study of Child Development Annual Report 2022, 1:1-17.

Tanaka, S., Kodama, T., Namba, K., Kawai, K.(2023)
Epigenetic analysis of glucocorticoid receptor and early childhood stress. Center for the Study of Child Development, Annual Report 2022, 1, 18-29.


Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sakata, T., Nakai, A., Tamai, H. (2023).
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2022/Mukogawa Women’s University, Institute for Education Research Report, 54, 57-58. (In Japanese)


Takeshima, K., Namba, K., & Kawai, M.(2023)
児童思春期におけるQOLの発達軌跡の検討. Institute for Education Research Report, 53, 69-80. (In Japanese)

◆Presentations at Professional Conferences

1) Namba, K., Kawai, M., & Tanaka, S. (2023).
COVID-19下での日常生活における不自由さの推移とストレス 青年期の子どもを持つ保護者の回答から. The 55th Congress of the Japanese Association of Counseling Science (33), Tohoku Fukushi University/Web, August & September. (In Japanese)

Kawai, M., Namba, K., & Tanaka, S. (2024).
乳児期の親の養育態度と小6児童の仲間関係意識との関係 縦断データを用いての分析. The 35th Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology. Abstracts, 416, Osaka, March. (In Japanese)


難波久美子・河合優年・田中滋己 (2024).
COVID-19の5類移行後のマスク着用意識に関する探索的検討 10代後半の子どもとその保護者の分析から. Collection of Papers of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, 526, Osaka, March.

◆Special Remarks Related to Work Experience
1) Kawai, M. (2023)
Psychology of Childcare Practice. 保育フェス, Hyogo, September. (In Japanese)
2) Kawai, M.(2023)
The Origins of the Mother-child Relationship: Thinking about Growing up as a System. The 37th General Meeting for Japan Society of Maternal Health/第25回三重県周産期医療従事者研修事業, Mie, November. (In Japanese)
1) Kawai, M.
“子ども点描”. Sankei Shimbun, Serialized form October 2020. (In Japanese)

Book Chapters

Ogoshi, S., Ogoshi, Y., Saitoh, T., Tanaka, K., Itoh, Y., Wakamatu, M., Kanno, T., & Nakai, A. (2023)
Individual Education Support System Using ICT for Developmental Disabilities. IntechOpen.
doi: 10.5772/intechopen.106065

◆Treatises and Journal Articles

Ogawa, H., Ogoshi, S., Ogoshi, Y., & Nakai, A. (2023)
Can Deep Generative Models Explain Brain Function in People with Developmental Dyslexia?. Electronics, 12(10):2305.


Nobusako, S., Wen, W., Osumi, M., Nakai, A., & Morioka, S. (2023)
Action-outcome regularity perceptual sensitivity in children with developmental coordination disorder. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders.
https://doi. org/10.1007/s10803-023-06144-x

◆Guest Speaker for Presentations at Professional Conferences

1) Nakai, A. (2023)
DCDのBrain-based Education/Interventionを目指して. The 6th Japanese Society of Developmental Coordination Disorder, Okayama Prefecture, October. (In Japanese)

Nakai, A.(2023)
”不登校の影に潜む子どもの睡眠障害とICT依存:医学・脳科学からのアプローチ”. The 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Clinical Developmental Psychologists/Conference Preparation Committee Planning Symposium 2, Sympositist, Online, August & September. (In Japanese)

◆Presentations at Professional Conferences

Ito, Y., Sugiyama, Y., Ito, T., Hattori, T., Narahara, S., Kataoka, E., Tanahashi, Y., Hyodo, R., Kidokoro, H., Kubota, T., Nakai, A., Ochi, N., Natsume, J., & Kato, Y. (2023)
6歳の超早産児に対する運動機能評価:三次元歩行解析を用いた検討. The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology, Okayama Prefecture, May. (In Japanese)

2) Yoneyama, Y., Yokoyama, M., Takigawa, R., Kamiya, R., & Nakai, A.(2023)
日本人自閉スペクトラム症児における発達性協調運動症の併存状況及びDCDQとM-ABC2の関連について. The 10th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Hokkaido, October. (In Japanese)
3) Higashionna, T., Cho, K., Nakai, A., & Iwanaga, R.(2023)
調運動の困難さがある神経発達症児の日常生活活動に対する集団作業療法の効果に関する予備的研究. The 57th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo, Okinawa Prefecture, November. (In Japanese)

Tojo, M., Iwata, H., Yamaguchi, T., Tamura, N., Tsuchiya, K., Suyama, S., Ohara, T., Ishitsuka, K., Nishimura, T., Ishiguro, M., Yamagata, T., Nakai, A., Kobayashi, S., Kuriyama, S., & Kishi, R.(2024)
small-for-gestational-age(SGA)と就学前の協調運動の問題との関連. The 94th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene, Kagoshima Prefecture, March. (In Japanese)

◆Report Presentation, Translation, Editing, Roundtable, Discussion, etc.

Nakai, A.(Planning/Authoring)(2023)
“What is DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)? -Understanding and Supporting Children with Clumsiness”. Child Health 2023, Shindan to Chiryo. Vol.26, No.5. (In Japanese)

◆Special Remarks Related to Work Experience
1) Nakai, A. (2023)
Neurodevelopmental Disorders from a Physical Perspective -Understanding and Supporting Problems from Brain Science-. Mukogawa Women’s University Academic Lecture, Hyogo, June. (In Japanese)
2) Nakai, A.(2023)
今、改めて身体性から神経発達障害を捉え直す〜キーワードはDCD(発達性協調運動障害). 瀬川塾学術講演会, Segawa Memorial Neurological Clinic for Children, Tokyo, July. (In Japanese)
3) Nakai, A.(2023)
今求められる、神経発達障害のトランジション・リエゾン支援. 高等学校中堅教諭等資質向上研修, Hyogo Prefectural Institute for Educational Research and In-Service Training, Hyogo, August. (In Japanese)
4) Nakai, A.(2023)
DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder) -Understanding and Supporting Children’s Clumsiness through Brain Science. LSA Training Course, Certified NPO Corporation EDGE, October. (In Japanese)
5) Nakai, A.(2023)
脳の、脳による、脳のための睡眠. Liberal Arts Course offered by Mukogawa Gakuin Meisyoukai, Hyogo, October. (In Japanese)
6) Nakai, A.(2023)
Thinking about Child Development from the Perspective of Sleep -Children’s Sleep Problems and Developmental Disorders-. Mukogawa Women’s University Nursery School Training Session, November.

Nakai, A.(2024)
”Light It Up Blue MUKOJO! 2024〜武庫女を青く照らそう!〜”, Public Lecture. Keynote Speech “DCD(Developmental Coordination Disorder)〜見えているのに理解されない神経発達障害〜””不器用なのは身体?脳?〜脳科学からDCDのある子どもを理解し支援する〜


Nakai A.(Published on 5/5/2023)
<コロナ禍その後5>給食の時間「黙食は不要」対応探る (In Japanese)


Nakai, A.(Released on 6/2/2023)
給食、あえて対面に戻さない学校も コロナで見つけた時間の使い方 (In Japanese)
(Asahi Shimmbun Digital


Nakai, A.(Broadcasted on 7/14/2023)
「newsランナー」きょうの聞きたい (In Japanese)
(Kansai TV)


Nakai, A.(Published on 8/28/2023)
Series of Children of DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)
The first column “What is DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)?” (In Japanese)
(小学保健ニュース, Juniors’ Visual Journal)


Nakai, A.(Published on 9/5/2023)
Developmental Coordination Disorder Volume 1 “「字なんか100回練習しても、うまくなりませんよ」に衝撃<Developmental Coordination Disorder(DCD)>”
(Chunichi Shinbun)


Nakai, A.(Published on 9/12/2023)
Developmental Coordination Disorder Volume 2 “医師でも低い認知度”
(Chunichi Shinbun)


Nakai, A.(Released on 9/14/2023)
字が汚い、縄跳びできない「不器用」な子…実はDCD(発達性協調運動障害)かも 周囲の理解と支援が必要です (In Japanese)
(Tokyo Shinbun「東京すくすく」


Nakai, A.(Released on 9/22/2023)
Developmental Coordination Disorder(DCD)(1)There is a reason why they are “clumsy” ~ A developmental disorder that is visible but difficult to understand ~ (In Japanese)
(NHK福祉情報サイト ハートネット


Nakai, A.(Released on 9/22/2023)
Developmental Coordination Disorder(DCD)(2)How to provide support ~ A developmental disorder that is visible but difficult to understand ~ (In Japanese)
(NHK福祉情報サイト ハートネット


Nakai, A.(Published on 9/28/2023)
Series of Children of DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)
The second column “Difficulties and secondary disorders in school life of children with DCD” (In Japanese)
(小学保健ニュース, Juniors’ Visual Journal)


Nakai, A.(Broadcasted on 10/8/2023)
Medical Health “What is Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)?” (In Japanese)
(NHK Radio「NHK Journal」)


Nakai, A.(Published on 10/28/2023)
Series of Children of DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)
The last column “Understanding and supporting children with DCD” (In Japanese)
(小学保健ニュース, Juniors’ Visual Journal)

◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Namba, K.(2023)
Details of Observational and Experimental Procedures in the JCS Cohort Study (1): Procedures and Results on Experiments on Self-Regulation. Center for the Study of Child Development Annual Repot 2022, 1:48-66.

Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sakata, T. (2023).
Elucidation of factors shaping sociality in adolescents and creation of a developmental model: A cohort study outline. Center for the Study of Child Development, Annual Report 2022, 1, 1-17.

3) Tanaka, S., Kodama, T., Namba, K., Kawai, M. (2023).
Epigenetic analysis of glucocorticoid receptor and early childhood stress. Center for the Study of Child Development, Annual Report 2022, 1, 18-29.

Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sakata, T., Nakai, A., Tamai, H. (2023).
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2022/Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 54, 57-58. (In Japanese)


Takeshima, K., Namba, K., & Kawai, M.(2023)
児童思春期におけるQOLの発達軌跡の検討. Institute for Education Research Report, 53, 69-80. (In Japanese)

◆Presentations at Professional Conferences

1) Namba, K., Kawai, M., & Tanaka, S. (2023).
COVID-19下での日常生活における不自由さの推移とストレス 青年期の子どもを持つ保護者の回答から. The 55th Congress of the Japanese Association of Counseling Science (33), Tohoku Fukushi University/Web, August & September. (In Japanese)
2) Kawai, M., Namba, K., & Tanaka, S. (2024).
乳児期の親の養育態度と小6児童の仲間関係意識との関係 縦断データを用いての分析. The 35th Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology. Abstracts, 416, Osaka, March. (In Japanese)

難波久美子・河合優年・田中滋己 (2024).
COVID-19の5類移行後のマスク着用意識に関する探索的検討 10代後半の子どもとその保護者の分析から. Collection of Papers of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, 526, Osaka, March.

◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sakata, T., Nakai, A., Ishikawa, M., Tamai, H. (2022)
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2021/
Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 53, pp.170-177. (In Japanese)

◆Presentations at Professional Conferences

1) Namba, K., Kawai, M., & Tanaka, S. (2022).
ストレス下の情報伝達態度が精神的健康に及ぼす影響について:COVID-19に関する情報の入手と伝達に注目して. Collected Papers of the 85th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association,4AM-060-PO.(Nihon University (Hybrid/Web), September)
◆Special Remarks Related to Work Experience
1) Kawai, M. (2022)
Japanese Association of School Psychologists 2022 Conference Training Courses. School Psychologists and Ethics, Online, October. (In Japanese)
2) Kawai, M.(2023)
International Women’s Day MUKOJO Forum. What Should Be Done to Achieve Gender Equality in Universities and Society?, Hyogo, March. (In Japanese)
1) Kawai, M.
“子ども点描”. Sankei Shimbun, Serialized form October 2020. (In Japanese)

◆Treatises and Journal Articles

Saito, T., Ito, Y., Ishibashi, Y., Sukegawa, Y., & Nakai, A. (2022)
Relationship between Motor Coordination and Occupational Performance of Activities of Daily Living in Preschool Children.
Japanese Journal of Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 9:65-73. (In Japanese)

2) Nakai, A. (2022)
Effects of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) on Learning and Psychological Development and Future Support.
実践みんなの特別支援教育「1冊まるごと特集:見過ごさずに支援する!子どもの心と体の困りごと」, 50:10-14. (In Japanese)
3) Ito,J., Kamei, A., Araya, N., Akasaka, M., Mori, F., Ito, K., Fujiwara, E., Sasaki, M., Nakai, A., & Oyama, K. (2022)
Diffusion Kurtosis imaging study of childhood epilepsy with and without motor coordination problems.
Journal of Iwate Medical Association, 74:61-81.

Nishi, Y., Nobusako, S., Tsujimoto T., Sakai, A., Nakai, A., & Morioka, S. (2022)
Spatial Instability during Precision Grip-Lift in Children with Poor Manual Dexterity.
Brain Science: The Special Issue New Insights in Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).
https://doi. org/10.3390/brainsci12050598

5) Higashionna, T., Iwanaga, R., Tokunaga, A., Nakai, A., Tanaka, K., & Tanaka, G. (2022)
Coordination Ability, Cognitive Ability, and Academic Achievement in Japanese Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Issue New Insights in Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), 12:674.
6) Yoneda, N., Kamogawa, K., 金貴玲, Kawanaka, M., Nakai, A., Tokunaga, E., & Iwanaga, R. (2022)
神経発達症リスク児早期発見の為の新検査の開発 〜協調運動項目における基準関連妥当性のパイロット研究〜.
Japanese Journal of Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 9:65-73. (In Japanese)
7) Nobusako, S., Wen, W., Nagakura, Y., Tatsumi, M., Kataoka, S., Tsujimoto, T., Sakai, A., Yokomoto, T.,
Takata, E., Furukawa, E., Asano, D., Osumi, M., Nakai, A., & Morioka, S. (2022)
Developmental changes in action -outcome regularity perceptual sensitivity and its relationship to hand motor function
in 5-16-year-old children. Sci Rep, 12:17606.

Ito, T., Sugiura, H., Ito, Y., Nakai, A., Narahara, S., Noritake, K., Takahashi, D., Natsume, J., & Ochi, N. (2023)
Decreased Walking Efficiency in Elementary School Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder Trait. Clinical Rehabilitation, 37(8):1111-1118.


Yasunaga, M., Miyaguchi, H., Ishizuki, C., Kita, Y., & Nakai, A.(2023)
Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance: A Randomized Controlled Trial Examining Intervention Effects on Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder Traits. Brain Science, 13(5):721.


Nobusako, S., Wen, W., Nakai, A., & Morioka, S.(2023)
発達性協調運動障害を有する児における行為-結果の規則性の知覚感度. 小児理学療法学, 1(Suppl.2):39. (In Japanese)

◆Presentations at Professional Conferences

Nakai, A. (2022)
「協調」という窓を通して見えてくるもの 〜DCDの鑑別診断とニューロモデレーターとしての薬物療法〜
Symposium 2:DCD児の健診・診察・支援のポイント. The 5th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Coordination Disorder, Online, April.


Okugawa, J., & Nakai, A. (2022)
The 5th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Coordination Disorder, Online, April. (In Japanese)


Okugawa, J., & Nakai, A. (2022)
The 56th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo, Kyoto, September. (In Japanese)


Nakai, A. (2023)
The Japanese Society of Child Neurology 第17回子どものこころのプライマリケア・セミナー, Kagawa Prefecture, February.


Ogawa, H., Ogoshi, S., Ogoshi, Y., & Nakai, A.(2023)
Can Deep Generative Models explain brain function in peoplewith Developmental Dyslexia?. The 1st Kosen Research International Symposium 2023, Tokyo, March.

◆Report Presentation, Translation, Editing, Roundtable, Discussion, etc.

Nakai, A. (2022)
Is Clumsiness Caused by DCD? Full of Support Methods at School “DCD Children’s Support Guide with illustrations:
134 Tips and 45 Knowledge to Increase ‘I did it!’ of a Clumsy Child” with an Interview of the Editor, Akio Nakai.
LITALICO発達ナビ, Published April 16. (In Japanese)

2) Nakai, A. (2022)
[Supervised by a Doctor] Pay Attention If You See These Symptoms! Children’s Stress Signs. Gakken「こそだてまっぷ」,
Published June 14. (In Japanese)
3) Nakai, A. (2022)
I Want to Know about DCD Properly! -Understanding and Supporting Clumsy Children-. Godo-Shuppan
子どものこころやからだの発達を支援する Seminar Series, August. (In Japanese)
◆Textbooks and Teaching Materials
1) Nakai, A. (2022)
Sleep and Brain Development in Children -Child Edition-. Mukogawa Women’s University. (In Japanese)
◆Special Remarks Related to Work Experience

Nakai, A. (2022)
Hyogo Prefectural Institute for Educational Research and In-Service Training
高等学校中堅教諭等資質向上研修. 今求められる、神経発達障害のトランジション・リエゾン支援, August. (In Japanese)


Nakai, A. (2022)
第4回阪神小児神経疾患研究会 Online Lecture. A Coordination Approach to Neurodevelopmental Disorders
-Keyword is DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)-, September. (In Japanese)

3) Nakai, A. (2022)
予防医療・産業保健ネットワーク The 32nd Workshop.
“The Importance of Sleep Rhythms that You Want to Reconsider in the New Normal/with Coronavirus Era”, September.
(In Japanese)
4) Nakai, A. (2022)
Japanese Physical Therapy Association 学校保健・特別支援教育理学療法部会 Disability Prevention Education Workshop 2022.
“Neurodevelopmental Disorders from the Perspective of Physicality -The Significance of Assessing Coordination-“, October.
(In Japanese)

Nakai, A. (2022)
大阪市西区障がい者・児ネットワークそよかぜ 大阪西区社会福祉協議会
Online Lecture. “Children’s Sleep Problems and Neurodevelopmental Disorders”, October. (In Japanese)


Nakai, A. (2022)
LSA (Learning Support Staff) Training Course 2022 Organized by NPO EDGE.
“I Want to Know about DCD Properly! -Understanding and Supporting Clumsy Children-, October. (In Japanese)

7) Nakai, A. (2022)
“Reconsider Neurodevelopmental Disorders from the Perspective of Physicality ~DCD Perspective~, November. (In Japanese)
8) Nakai, A. (2022)
京都府発達障害支援センターはばたき “令和4年度 発達障害に関する専門職研修”.
Now, Why, Once Again, DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)? ~
Neurodevelopmental Disorders from the Perspective of Somaticity~, February. (In Japanese)
9) Nakai, A. (2022)
The Kagawa University Affiliated School for Special Needs’ Students Open Seminar
-Understanding and Supporting Clumsy Children-. Understanding and Supporting the Difficulties of Children with DCD
from Brain Science, February. (In Japanese)
10) Nakai, A.(2023)
Japanese Organization of Clinical Developmental Psychologist The 2nd SV Qualification Renewal Training Session. 医療における発達支援のスーパービジョン, February. (In Japanese)

「Light It Up Blue MUKOJO! 2022〜武庫女を青く照らそう!〜」Public Lecture. Keynote Speech “限局性学習障害・発達性ディスレクシアの理解と支援”, March. (In Japanese)


Ogawa H, Ogoshi S, Ogoshi Y, Nakai A. (2023)
Can Deep Generative Models explain brain function in people with Developmental Dyslexia?
The 1st Kosen Research International Symposium 2023 (KRIS2023) Excellent Presentation Award (March)
Poster Presentation

◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sakata, T., Nakai, A., Ishikawa, M., Tamai, H. (2021)
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2020/
Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 51, pp.170-177. (In Japanese)
◆Presentations at Professional Conferences

Namba, K., Kawai, M., & Tanaka, S. (2022).
ストレス下の情報伝達態度が精神的健康に及ぼす影響について:COVID-19に関する情報の入手と伝達に注目して. Collected Papers of the 85th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association,4AM-060-PO.(Nihon University (Hybrid/Web), September)

◆Book Chapters
1) Japan Children’s Research Institute (Supervisor), Fujita, H., Kawai, M., Naito, M., Saito, K., Takahashi, K., Yama, H. (Editors). (2021)
Advances in Child Psychology 2020 ver. VOL.60, Kaneko Shobo. (In Japanese)
◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sakata, T., Nakai, A., Ishikawa, M., Tamai, H. (2021).
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2020/Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 51, pp.170-177. (In Japanese)

Kawai, M., Takai, H., Terai, T., Sakata, T., Yamato, K., Sasaki, T., Taniguchi, M., Hoshikawa, M. (2020)
Developing Checklists to Grasp Psychological Status - Collaborative Research with 10 Universities “Kodomo Minna Project” Strategies in Nishinomiya City, “Clinical Pedagogy Research” by Graduate School of Clinical Education in Mukogawa Women’s University, 26, pp.67-82. (In Japanese)

1) Wormhoudt, R., Savelsbergh, G. J.P., Teunissen, J. W., Davids, K./Kawai, M., (Supervisor), Kono, K., & Kimura, M. (2021)
“The Athletic Skills Model: Optimizing Talent Development Through Movement Education”, Kaneko Shobo. (In Japanese)
1) Kawai, M.
“子ども点描”. Sankei Shimbun, Serialized form October 2020. (In Japanese)

◆Book Chapters

Nakai, A. (2021).
School Refusal/Sleep Disorder. Diagnosis and Treatment of Clinical Guide Specialists, 876-882. Nanzando, Tokyo. (In Japanese)

2) Nakai, A. (2021).
Developmental Coordination Disorder. Today’s Psychiatric Treatment Handbook 2021ver., Psychiatric Therapeutics Vol. 36 Special Issue, 20-21. Seiwa Shoten Co., Ltd., Tokyo. (In Japanese)
3) Nakai, A. (2022).
Significance of Assessing Cooperation: Development and Clinical Application of DCDQ, M-ABC2 in Japanese. Support for the Senses and Movements of Children with Developmental Disabilities: Handy Series Developmental Disability Support/Special Support Education Navigation, 68-78. Kaneko Shobo, Tokyo. (In Japanese)

Nakai, A. (Edited), Wakabayashi, A., Haruta, T., & Ono, H. (2022).
DCD Children’s Support Guide with illustrations: 134 Tips and 45 Knowledge to Increase “I did it!” of a Clumsy Child. Godo-Shuppan, Tokyo. (In Japanese)

◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Nakai, A. (2021).
Developmental Coordination Disorder and Learning Difficulties. Sodachi no Kagaku: Special Feature “Supporting Learning Delays -Today’s Localized Learning Disabilities-, 37:42-45.2021. (In Japanese)

Katagiri M, Ito H, Murayama Y, Hamada M, Nakajima S, Takayanagi N, Uemiya A, Myogan M, Nakai A, & Tsujii M. (2021).
Fine and gross motor skills predict later psychosocial maladaptation and academic achievement. Brain & Development, 43 (5), 605-615.


Shirama, A, Stickley A, Kamio, Y, Nakai, A, Takahashi, H, Saito, A, Haraguchi, H, Kumazaki, & H, Sumiyoshi, T. (2021).
Emotional and behavioral problems in Japanese preschool children with motor coordination difficulties: the role of autistic traits. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.


Ito T, Ito Y, Nakai A, Sugiura H, Noritake K,Kidokoro H, Natsume J, & Ochi N. (2021).
Bilateral asymmetry in the gait deviation index in school-aged children with the trait of developmental coordination disorder. Gait & Posture, 88, 174-179.

◆Presentations at Professional Conferences

Kataoka, S., Nobusako, S., & Nakai, A. (2021).
年長児における平仮名・片仮名視写能力に影響する発達特性の検討ー文字別における書字判読性の関連についてー. The 4th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Coordination Disorder, Tokyo Prefecture, April. (In Japanese)

2) Ito J, Kamei A, Araya N, Akasaka M, Mori F, Ito K, Fujiwara E, Kubo C, Takeishi S, Sasaki M,Nakai A, & Oyama K. (2021).
Diffusional kurtosis imaging study of childhood epilepsy with motor coordination problems. The 54th Annual Congress of the Japan Epilepsy Society, Aichi Prefecture/Online, September.
3) Yoneda, N., Kamogawa, K., Kawanaka, M., Nakai, A., Iwanaga, R. (2021).
神経発達症リスク早期発見のための検査開発~7~10歳における協調運動項目の基準関連 妥当性の予備的調査~. The 38th Japanese Academy of Sensory Integration Congress, Online, August. (In Japanese)
4) Umeno, Y., Tateyama, K., Otoshi, T., & Nakai, A. (2021).
児童発達支援事業所に通う幼児における手洗いの特徴. The 55th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo in Sendai 2021, Online, October. (In Japanese)
5) Ochi, N., Ito, Y., Ito, T., & Nakai, A. (2021).
神経発達症に対する3次元歩行分析のアプローチ ー特にDCD特性との関連からー. The 126th Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Psychiatry and Neurology, Online, October. (In Japanese)
6) Tamai, S., Nakai, A. (2021).
不器用さのある学童に対する学校における理学療法士の介入の効果検証に関する研究. 第8回日本小児理学療法学会学術大会, Online, November. (In Japanese)
◆Report Presentation, Translation, Editing, Roundtable, Discussion, etc.
1) Nakai, A. (2021).
Special Feature “Understanding and Addressing Sleep Problems in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders”. Gekkan Hattatsukyouiku, 40:4-11.2021. The Japanese Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disorders, November. (In Japanese)
2) Nakai, A. (2021).
福井は私の一部、私の誇り. 福井大学子どものこころの発達研究センター設立10周年記念誌. Research Center for Child Mental Development, University of Fukui, September. (In Japanese)

Nakai, A. (2021).
TREND “WITHコロナ/ニューノーマル時代を生き抜く”. Office for Gender Equality Promotion/Institute for Women’s Career Advancement and Gender Equality Development News Letter. Office for Gender Equality Promotion/Institute for Women’s Career Advancement and Gender Equality Development, Mukogawa Women’s Academy, October. (In Japanese) letter_13.pdf

4) Nakai, A. (2021).
“専門医がお答えします!気になる症状のQ&A”. 四季のけんこう “冬のけんこう”, 社会保険出版社, pp. 19, November. (In Japanese)

Nakai, A. (2021, March 26).
NHK “わが家のルール・決まりごと”. NHK Eテレ “すくすく子育て”. (In Japanese)

◆Textbooks and Teaching Materials
1) Nakai, A. (2021).
Q&A Series “Developmental Disability “LD, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Tic Disorder””. Organization for Human Life Innovation and Development, Ochanomizu University, pp.20-27. (In Japanese)

Nakai, A. (2021)
Sleep and Brain Development in Children -Infant and Toddler Edition-. Mukogawa Women’s University. (In Japanese)

◆Special Remarks Related to Work Experience

Nakai, A. (2021).
“What is DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)? -Understanding and Supporting Children with Clumsiness”. Lecture at LD Center, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, June. (In Japanese)


Nakai, A. (2021).
“Level-up Study Sessions for Childcare Workers, Kindergarten Teachers, and Childcare Supporters” “Considering Child Development from Sleep -Sleep Problems and Developmental Disorders in Children”. Mukogawa Women’s University Graduate School of Clinical Education/Institute for Education, July. (In Japanese)

3) Nakai, A. (2021).
“不登校の影に潜む子どもの睡眠障害 〜不登校への医学・脳科学からのアプローチ〜“. 2021年度兵庫県中堅教諭等資質向上研修, August. (In Japanese)
4) Nakai, A. (2021).
“子どもの睡眠とその問題~脳の発達、発達障害との関連について~”. 令和3年度「発達障害児等早期発見・早期療育支援事業」Lecture, Kyotofu Nantan Health Center, August. (In Japanese)

Nakai, A. (2021).
“最近よく聞くDCD (発達性協調運動障害) って何? ~不器用な子どもの理解と支援について~”. 認定NPO法人EDGE主催 LSA (学習支援員) 養成講座2021, November. (In Japanese)


Nakai, A. (2022).
“What is DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)? -Understanding and Supporting Children with Clumsiness”. The 11th Symposium of Mukogawa Women’s University Institute of Health and Exercise Science. Mukogawa Women’s University Institute of Health and Exercise Science/ Institute for Education, January. (In Japanese)

7) Nakai, A. (2022).
“Keyword is DCD -New Understanding of Neurodevelopmental Disorders form a Coordination Perspective”. The 7th Pediatric Physical Therapy Workshop, Kumamoto Physical Therapy Association, February. (In Japanese)
8) Nakai, A. (2022).
“不器用なこどもたち~DCD (発達性協調運動障害) という視点からの理解と支援~” “身体の姿勢・動きの発達的な評価と活用~発達性協調運動障害の評価の視点から~”. Public Lecture of Affiliated School for Special Needs Education, School of Education, Kagawa University, February. (In Japanese)
9) Nakai, A. (2022).
“睡眠からみた子どもの神経発達障害~発達障害の時間治療の可能性について〜”. 野洲市早期療育通園事業「にこにこ教室」Parents’ Workshop, March. (In Japanese)
10) Nakai, A. (2022).
“A Coordination Approach to Neurodevelopmental Disorders -Keyword is DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder)”,
ADHD Onlice Conference, March. (In Japanese)
11) Nakai, A. (2022).
DCD (発達性協調運動障害) の子どもの理解と支援. 令和3年度 人権啓発普及事業関係職員学習会, 大阪市教育委員会, March. (In Japanese)

Nakai, A. (2022).
Keynote Speech “不登校の影に潜む子どもの睡眠障害~発達障害との関連も含めて~”.「Light It Up Blue MUKOJO! 2022~武庫女を青く照らそう!~」Public Lecture, March. (In Japanese)

1) Watahiki, K., Sawae, Y., Shimada, H., and Nakai, A. (2021).
“身体的不器用さを有する自閉スペクトラム症児の投動 作における臨床的な特徴と介入効果について?投動作の質的な変化の違いに着目して?”. August.
(In Japanese)
Practical Research Award of The Japanese Academy of Autistic Spectrum
Research for Autism Spectrum 17:59-67.2020.

Nakai, A. (Supervisor) (2019)
“Excellent Video Teaching Material Selection 2021”, Japan Audio-Visual Education Association, August. August. (In Japanese)
The Best Picture Award (The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award),
“Excellent Video Teaching Material Selection 2021” sponsored by the Japan Audio-Visual Association.


Ito J, Kamei A, Araya N, Akasaka M, Mori F, Ito K, Fujiwara E, Kubo C, Takeishi S, Sasaki M, Nakai A, Oyama K. (2021)
“Diffusional kurtosis imaging study of childhood epilepsy with motor coordination problems”.
Excellent Poster Award, The 54th Annual Congress of the Japan Epilepsy Society, October.

◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sakata, T., Nakai, A., Ishikawa, M., Tamai, H. (2021).
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2020/Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 51, pp.170-177. (In Japanese)
◆Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Namba, K., Kawai, M. (2021).
Longitudinal study of relationship between social skills and stability of self-regulatory behavior. Poster presented at International Congress of Psychology 2020+. (July, 2021. On-line and Prague, Czech Republic).
2) Namba, K., Kawai, M., and Tanaka, S. (2021).
A Survey Report on the Living Conditions of Junior High School Students Under the State of Emergency by COVID-19 No.3 - Relationship Between How to Spend Time at Home and QOL-. Collected Papers of the 85th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, pp.187, Online, September. (In Japanese)

◆Book Chapters
1) Japan Children’s Research Institute (Supervisor), Fujita, H., Kawai, M., Naito, M., Saito, K., Takahashi, K., Yama, H. (Editors). (2020)
Advances in Child Psychology 2020 ver. VOL.59, Kaneko Shobo. (In Japanese)
◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Nakahira, M., Nakai, A., Ishikawa, M., Tamai, H. (2020)
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2019/Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 50, pp.149-165. (In Japanese)

Kawai, M., Takai, H., Terai, T., Sakata, T., Yamato, K., Sasaki, T., Taniguchi, M., Hoshikawa, M. (2020)
Developing Checklists to Grasp Psychological Status - Collaborative Research with 10 Universities “Kodomo Minna Project” Strategies in Nishinomiya City, “Clinical Pedagogy Research” by Graduate School of Clinical Education in Mukogawa Women’s University, 26, pp.67-82. (In Japanese)

1) Kawai, M.
“子ども点描”. Sankei Shimbun, Serialized form October 2020. (In Japanese)

◆Book Chapters

Nakai, A. (2020)
Sleep-related Disorders (Inappropriate Sleep Hygiene/Circadian Rhythm Sleep and Arousal Disorder Group), Today’s Pediatric Treatment Guidelines 17th Edition, pp.704-706, Igaku-Shoin Ltd., Tokyo. (In Japanese)

◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Nakai, A. (2020)
Sleep Disorders in Children Hidden in The Shadow of School Refusal, Special Feature “Sleep: Its Neuronal Mechanisms and Roles”, Journal of the Society of Ambulatory and General Pediatrics of Japan, “Ambulatory Pediatrics”, 23:205-209. (In Japanese)

Nakai, A. (2020)
Developmental Coordination Disorder, Psychiatric Therapy Special Issue “Child and Adolescent Mental Illness Treatment Handbook”, 35(suppl):143-147. (In Japanese)


Nakai, A. (2020)
Stereotypic Movement Disorder, Psychiatric Therapy Special Issue “Child and Adolescent Mental Illness Treatment Handbook”, 35(suppl):197-200. (In Japanese)


Nakai, A. (2020)
Practices of Treatment for Sleep Disorders in Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Disorders - About Autism Spectrum Disorders and Melatonin -, Progress in Medicine, 40:403-407.


Watahiki, K., Sawae, Y., Shimada, H., Nakai, A. (2020)
Clinical Features and Intervention Effects in Throwing Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Physical Clumsiness - Focusing on the Difference in Qualitative Changes in Throwing Motion -, Autism Spectrum Research, 17:59-67.


Nobusako S, Osumi M, Furukawa E, Nakai A, Maeda T, Morioka S.(2021)
Increased visual bias in children with developmental coordination disorder: Evidence from a visual-tactile temporal order judgment task. Human Movement Science. 75: 102743.


Nobusako S ,Tsujimoto T, Sakai A, Shuto T, Hashimoto Y, Furukawa E, Osumia M, Nakai A, Maeda T, Morioka S. (2020)
The time window for sense of agency in school-age children is different from that in young adults. Cognitive Development 54:100891


Nobusako S, Osumi M, Hayashida K, Furukawa E, Nakai A, Maeda T, Morioka S.(2020)
Altered sense of agency in children with developmental coordination disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 107: 103794.


Miike T, Toyoura M, Tonooka S, Konishi Y, Oniki K, Saruwatari J, Tajima S, Kinoshita J, Nakai A, Kikuchi K. (2020)
Neonatal irritable sleep-wake rhythm as a predictor of autism spectrum disorders. Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms 9:100053.

10) Suyama S, Yagyu K, Araki A, Miyashita C, Itoh S, Minatoya M, Yamazaki K, Tamura N, Nakai A, Saito T, Kishi R. (2020)
Risk factors for motor coordination problems in preschool-aged children. Pediatric International. 62:1177-1183. doi: 10.1111/ped.14275.
11) Nobusako S, Tsujimoto T, Sakai A, Shuto T, Furukawa E, Osumi M, Nakai A, Maeda T, Morioka S. (2020)
Manual dexterity is not related to media viewing but is related to perceptual bias in school-age children.Brain Science. 10:100;
◆Presentations at Professional Conferences

Oka, M., Nakai, A., Morooka, T., Tsushima, S., Hanaoka, Y., Akiyama, M., Kobayashi, K. (2020)
Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Children with Developmental Dyslexia Who Have Poor Coordination, The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology, August. (Online) (In Japanese)

◆Educational Lectures

Nakai, A. (2020)
Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Disorders from the Viewpoint of Sleep - Comprehensive Chronotherapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders -, Okayama Pediatrician Association Workshop, November. (Online) (In Japanese)

2) Nakai, A. (2020)
Toward Appropriate Understandings of Children’s Sleep Disorders - Including ICT Addiction -, LSA Training Course, Certified NPO Corporation EDGE, November. (Online) (In Japanese)

◆Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Namba, K., Kawai, M., Tanaka, S. (2020)
A Survey Report on the Living Conditions of Junior High School Students Under the State of Emergency by COVID-19 - Focusing on Communication -, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Youth and Adolescent Psychology, pp.22, December. (Online)(In Japanese)
2) Namba, K., Kawai, M., Tanaka, S. (2021)
A Survey Report on the Living Conditions of Junior High School Students Under the State of Emergency by COVID-19 No.2 - Focusing on Stress Against Changes in Living Environments -, The 32nd Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, March. (Online) (In Japanese)

◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Japan Children’s Research Institute (Supervisor), Fujita, H., Kawai, M., Naito, M., Saito, K., Takahashi, K., Yama, H. (Editors). (2019)
Advances in Child Psychology 2019 ver., Kaneko Shobo, VOL.58. (In Japanese)
2) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Nakahira, M., Nakai, A., Ishikawa, M., Tamai, H. (2019)
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2018/Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 49, pp.129-149. (In Japanese)

◆Book Chapters
1) Nakai, A. (Supervisor) (2019)
Understandings and Supports for Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), DVD 2 Volumes, Maruzen Publishing. (In Japanese)

Nakai, A. (2019)
DCD from the Perspective of Medical and Brain Science, Supervised by Tsuji, M., and Miyahara, M., Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) - Understandings and Supports of Clumsy Children -, Capture 2, Kaneko Shobo. (In Japanese)

3) Nakai, A. (2019)
Examination of Developmental Coordination Disorder, Shimoyama, H. (Chief Editor), Certified Psychologist Technique Guide - All the Practices That Are Useful in the Clinical Field -, Chapter 2-3, Bunkodo Co., Ltd. (In Japanese)
◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Katagiri, M., Ito, H., Murayama, Y., Takayanagi, S., Hamada, M., Nakajima, S., Uemiya, A., Myogan, M., Nakai, A., Tsuji, M. (2019)
Relationship Between Characteristics of Developmental Disabilities and Social Skills in Children and Adolescents, LD Study, 28, 325-335. (In Japanese)

Nakai, A., Kato, M., Yamamoto, J. (2018)
Let’s Go Abroad! - Recommendations for Studying Abroad -, Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology, 51, 42-45. (In Japanese)


Nakai, A. (2020)
Relationship Between Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Sleep, Progress in Medicine, 40, 281-286.

4) Nobusako, S.; Tsujimoto, T.; Sakai, A.; Shuto, T.; Furukawa, E.; Osumi, M.; Nakai, A.; Maeda, T.; Morioka, S. (2019).
Manual Dexterity is not Related to Media Viewing but is Related to Perceptual Bias in School-Age Children. Brain Science. 10(2), 100.
5) Nobusako, S.; Osumi, M.; Matsuo, A.; Furukawa, E.; Maeda, T.; Shimada, S.; Nakai, A.; Morioka, S. (2019).
Subthreshold Vibrotactile Noise Stimulation Immediately Improves Manual Dexterity in a Child with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Single-Case Study. Front Neurol, 10, 717.
6) Totsugi, K., Nakai, A., Sakakihara, Y. (2019)
Relationship Among Children’s Coordination Development, Behavioral Characteristic, and QOL - Questionnaires Filled Out by Parents of 2nd and 5th Graders -, Child Science, 18, 15-20. (In Japanese)
◆Presentations at Professional Conferences

Nakai, A. (2019)
Recapture Autism Spectrum Disorders from Physicality - From the Perspective of Developmental Coordination Disorder -, Symposium “Approaching the Essence of Autism Spectrum Disorder: From a New Perspective of Sensory and Motor Functions”, The 115th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology, Nigata Prefecture, June. (In Japanese)

・Educational Lectures

Nakai, A. (2019)
Significance of Assessing Cooperation - Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Clinical Research and Development of Japanese Version Using the 2nd Edition (M-ABC2) -, The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Coordination Disorder, Nagawsaki Prefecture, April. (In Japanese)

・General Presentations

3) Aoki, Y.; Arimitsu, K.; Nakai, A. (2019).
Impacts of DCD and AD/HD traits on Handwriting Skills in the Japanese Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 13th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD-13). (June, 2019. Jyvaskyla, Finland)

Higashionna, T., Tokunaga, E., Hidaka, R., Nakai, A., Iwanaga, R. (2019)
Effect of Small Group Occupational Therapy on Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders Who Are Clumsy to Exercise, The 53rd Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo, Hakata City, September. (In Japanese)

5) Higashionna, T.; Tokunaga, A.; Hidaka, K.; Nakai, A.; Iwanaga, R.; Tanaka, G. (2019).
Differences in fine motor performance between first and second trials in children with autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. 13th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD-13). (June, 2019. Jyvaskyla, Finland)

Nakamura, Y., Kouno, C., Osawa, M., Sugiura, N., Ozawa, N., Ozawa, H., Nakai, A., Kita, Y. (2019)
Evaluation of Cooperation Using M-ABC2 in Neurodevelopmental Disorders during School Age, The 61st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology, Nagoya City, June. (In Japanese)


Nobusako, S., Osumi, M., Matsuo, A., Furukawa, E., Nakai, A., Morioka, S. (2019)
Immediate Effect of Vibration Tactile Noise Devices on Manual Dexterity in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder, The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Coordination Disorder, Nagasaki Prefecture, April. (In Japanese)


Oka, M., Nakai, A., Morooka, T., Hana, F., Tsushima, Y., Hanaoka, Y., Akiyama, M., Kobayashi, K. (2019)
Clinical Characteristics of Developmental Dyslexia with Developmental Coordination Disorder, The 61st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology, Nagoya City, June. (In Japanese)


Yasunaga, M., Miyaguchi, H., Ishiduki, C., Kita, Y., Nakai, A. (2019)
A Pilot Study of Effectiveness of CO-OP Interventions for Children of K-5 to 6 with Clumsiness, The 55th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo, Hakata City, September. (In Japanese)

1) Nakai, A. (11/2/2019).
“Sukusuku Kosodate” “If You Are Worried About Your Child’s Development”. (In Japanese)
2) Nakai, A. (3/6/2020).
“Lecture in Kumamoto City for Appropriate Support Without Getting Angry, That Clumsiness Could be a Developmental Disorder Due to Brain Function”. (In Japanese)
(Kumamoto Nichi Nichi Newspaper

◆Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Namba, K., & Kawai, M. (2019).
Effects of infant stable self-regulation on their adjustment during primary school years. Poster presented at the Developmental Section Annual Conference 2018 of the British Psychological Society. Abstracts, P.144. (September, 2019. Stoke-on-Trent, UK).

◆Book Chapters
1) Japan Children’s Research Institute (Supervisor), Kawai, M., Naito, M., Saito, K., Takahashi, K., Yama, H. (Editors). (2017)
Advances in Child Psychology 2018 ver., Kaneko Shobo, VOL.57. (In Japanese)
2) Nakai, A. (2018)
Clumsy Child - Acknowledgements and Supports from the Perspective of DCD -, Edited by Inagaki, M., Advances in the Medicine on Developmental Disabilities No.32 - Toward Early Detection and Support for Developmental Disorders That Are Difficult to Manifest -, Japan League on Developmental Disabilities, pp.66-73. (In Japanese)
◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Ogoshi S, Ogoshi Y, Saitou T, Nishi H, Mitsuhashi Y, Nakai A. (2018)
Development of Sleep Support System Using Electroencephalogram for Person with Development al Disorders, Sensors and Materials, 30, pp.1457-1462.

Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sasaki, M., Ishikawa, M., Tamai, H. (2018)
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2017/Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 48, pp.154-169. (In Japanese)


Nakai, A. (2018)
Is Developmental Disability a Physical Disability? - Approach to Neurodevelopmental Disorders from Physicality -, “Children’s Mind and Body”, Journal of Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Pediatrics, 26, pp.362-364. (In Japanese)


Nakai, A. (2018)
“Series for Normal Development Series of Children” Development of Micro-neurological Signs, Pediatric Internal Medicine, 50, pp.1306-1309. (In Japanese)


Nobusako S, Osumi M, Matsuo A, Fukuchi T, Nakai A, Zama T, Shimada S, Morioka S. (2018)
Stochastic resonance improves visuomotor temporal integration in healthy young adults, PLoS One 13(12): e0209382.


Nobusako S, Sakai A, Tsujimoto T, Shuto T, Nishi Y,Asano D, Furukawa E, Osumi M, Shimada S, Morioka S, Nakai A. (2018)
Deficits in visuo-motor temporal integration impacts manual dexterity in probable developmental coordination disorder, Frontiers in Neurology, /10.3389/fneur. 2018.00114.

7) Nobusako S, Sakai A, Tsujimoto T, Shuto T, Nishi Y, Asano D, Furukawa E, Zama T, Osumi M, Shimada S, Morioka S, Nakai A. (2018).
Manual Dexterity Is a Strong Predictor of Visuo-Motor Temporal Integration in Children, Frontiers in Psychology, June, 2018, 12;9:948. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00948.
8) Hirata S, Kita Y, Yasunaga M, Suzuki K, Okumura Y, Okuzumi H, Hosobuchi T, Kokubun M, Inagaki M, Nakai A. (2018)
Applicability of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition (MABC-2) for Japanese children aged 3-6 years:a preliminary investigation emphasizing internal consistency and factorial validity, Frontiers in Psychology,
◆Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Higashionna, T., Tokunaga, E., Hidaka, K., Nakai, A., Iwanaga, R. (2018)
Preliminary Study on the Effects of Small Group Occupational Therapy on Clumsy Children, The 2nd Annual Meeting of the DCD Society of Japan, Hirosaki City, April. (In Japanese)

Katagiri, M., Nagase, M., Nakai, A. (2018)
Motor Characteristics of Highly Intelligent People with Difficulties, The 2nd Annual Meeting of the DCD Society of Japan, Hirosaki City, April. (In Japanese)


Toyoura, M., Nakai, A., Toyota, Y., Konishi, Y., Miike, T., Kikuchi, K. (2018)
Sleep Disorder in Children as a Factor of School Refusal, The 121sr Annual Meeting of the Japan Pediatric Society, 3-O-312, Fukuoka International Conference Hall, April. (In Japanese)


Toyoura, M., Toyota, Y., Nakai, A., Miike, T., Konishi, Y., Kikuchi, K., Tajima, S., Funabiki, Y., Ebise, H., Yoneyama, T., Aoki, M., Nabeshima, Y. (2018)
Search for Biomarkers to Determine Therapeutic Effect on Pediatric Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders, The 60th Japanese Society of Child Neurology, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, May. (In Japanese)


Miike, T., Konishi, Y., Toyoura, M., Nakai, A., Tajima, S. (2018)
Sleep Disorders in Newborns and Infancy Are Effective Predictors of Developmental Disorders, The 60th Japanese Society of Child Neurology, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, May. (In Japanese)


Ikeda, T., Ito, Y., Ishibashi, Y., Nakai, A. (2018)
Relationship between Coordinated Movement and Work Execution for Children of K-5 to 6 - Using M-ABC2 and AMPS -, The 52nd Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo, Nagoya City, September. (In Japanese)


Yasunaga, M., Nakai, A., Kita, Y., Ishizuki, I., Miyaguchi, H. (2018)
A Pilot Study on the Effectiveness of a Task-Oriented Approach for Children of K-5 to 6 with Clumsiness, The 52nd Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo, Nagoya City, September. (In Japanese)


Shimada, H., Watahiki, K., Sawae, Y., Nakai, A. (2018)
Intervention Effect of Throwing Motion on Children with Developmental Disabilities Who Have Physical Clumsiness 1 - Manner and Rule Leanings through Exercise Games in Small Group SST -, The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Special Education, Osaka, September. (In Japanese)


Shimada, H., Watahiki, K., Sawae, Y., Nakai, A. (2018)
Intervention Effect of Throwing Motion on Children with Developmental Disabilities Who Have Physical Clumsiness 2 - From the Analysis of the Intervention Effects in a Task-oriented Approach -, The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Special Education, Osaka, September. (In Japanese)


Namba K, Kawai M, & Tanaka S. (2018)
Are children who could not wait more impulsive than who could wait?, Poster presented at the Developmental Section Annual Conference 2018 of the British Psychological Society, Abstracts, pp.40, Liverpool, UK, September, 2018.

11) Terai, T., Takai, H., V. C. Alfonso, J. Traynor, & Kawai, M. (2018)
How teacher’s involvement correlate to a student’s school adaptation: Focused on differences and similarities in American and Japanese schools, The 30th Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium (JUSTEC), Kyoto, Japan, September, 2018.
1) Nakai, A. (2018)
What You Know About DCD, What You Don’t Know Yet, and What You Want to Know, The 2nd Annual Meeting of the DCD Society of Japan, Symposium, Brain Science Knowledge and Actual Support of DCD, Hirosaki University, April. (In Japanese)
2) Namba, K., Kawai, M. (2019)
Developmental Changes in Behavioral Suppression in Early Childhood (10) Examination of Developmental Pathways and Child-rearing Environment, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, pp.428, Waseda University, March. (In Japanese)
◆Round Table
1) Kawai, M., Ando, J., Namba, K., Maeda, T. (2019)
Open Access to Data and Its Utilization in the Field of Psychology - Toward Activation of Developmental Research by Constructing Science -, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, pp.133, Waseda University, March. (In Japanese)
2) Takai, N. (Planner), Ito, K., Komoda, M., Terai, T. (Topic Provider), Tomo, R., Kawai, M. (Designated Debater) (2019)
Foundation of Children’s School Adaptation - How to Support Children During the Transition Period from Infancy to School-age and from School-age to Adolescence -, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, pp.109, Waseda University, March. (In Japanese)

◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sasaki, M., Ishikawa, M., Tamai, H. (2017)
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2016/Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 47, pp.141-155. (In Japanese)
2) Kawai, M., Takai, H., Terai, T., Sasaki, M., Sakata, T., Yamato, K., Taniguchi, M., Hoshikawa, M., Kagari, Y., Kawai, S. (2017)
A Study on How to Comprehend and Trac the Psychological State of Students - Collaborative Research with 9 Universities “Kodomo Minna Project” Strategies in Nishinomiya City, “Clinical Pedagogy Research” by Graduate School of Clinical Education in Mukogawa Women’s University, 23, pp.1-11. (In Japanese)
◆Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Takeoka, Y., Suzuki, R., Sewake, R., Ishibashi, A., Naruse, M., Tanaka, S., Kawai, M., Yamamoto, H. (2017)
A Study on the Correlation Between POMS of Psychological Vital Signs and a Simple Questionnaire on Student Life Stress, The 19th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Health Care Management, Sendai City, July. (In Japanese)

Sakurai, K., Suzuki, R., Kitamura, S., Okuda, T., Kawai, M., Yamamoto, H. (2017)
Characteristics of Nurses’ Stress Tolerance and Mood Scale by Psychological Characteristics in Our Hospital, The 19th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Health Care Management, Sendai City, July. (In Japanese)


Tanaka, S., Suzuki, R., Takeoka, Y., Sewake, R., Naruse, M., Kawai, M., Yamamoto, H. (2017)
Regarding the Result of Stress Check at Mie Central Medical Center, The 19th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Health Care Management, Sendai City, July. (In Japanese)


Namba, K., Kawai, M., Sasaki, M. (2017)
Developmental Changes in Behavioral Suppression in Early Childhood (7)Relationship between Early Childhood Self-Suppressive Experiments and Elementary School Adaptation, Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association, Kurume University, September. (In Japanese)


Namba, K., Kawai, M., Sasaki, M. (2017)
Developmental Changes in Behavioral Suppression in Early Childhood (8) Relationship between Suppressive Behavior Score in Early Childhood and Q-U Score in Elementary School, The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology, Nagoya University, October. (In Japanese)

6) Naruse, M., Yasui, C., Ando, K., Kobayashi, Y., Ishihara, N., Hashimoto, E., Ikeda,H., Sato, M., Masuyama, R., Sawami, Y., Miura, M., Sewake, R., Takeoka, Y., Kaneda, H., Ishibashi, A., Suzuki, R., Tanaka, S. Yamamoto, H., Kawai, M. (2017)
Collaborative Study of National Hospital Organization Multi-Facility Regarding the Setting of Upper and Lower Limits of Psychological Vital Signs (PVS) of Nursing Students and the Construction of a Self-evaluation System, The 71st Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of National Medical Service, Takamatsu City, November. (In Japanese)

◆Book Chapters
1) Namba, K., Kawai, M. (2016)
New Developmental Psychology Handbook, Fukumura Shuppan Inc., Micro Analysis (VI, 75-1), Edited by Tajima, N., Iwatate, S., Nagasaki, T.
◆Treatises and Journal Articles
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sasaki, M., Ishikawa, M., Tamai, H. (2016)
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2015. Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 46, pp.103-123. (In Japanese)
◆Presentations at Professional Conferences

Namba, K., Kawai, M., Sasaki, M., Yamakawa, N., Yamamoto, H. (2016)
Developmental Changes in Behavioral Suppression in Early Childhood (6) Relationship between Suppressive Behavior and Contemplation-Impulsivity in Laboratory Scenes of Aged 5 and 6, The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Psychology, pp.539, Hokkaido University, May. (In Japanese)


Namba, K., Kawai, M., Sasaki, M., Tanaka, S. & Yamamoto, H. (2016)
The effect of self-regulation behaviors at 3.5, 5, and 6years old on temperaments at their school age, Poster presented at International Congress of Psychology 2016, Yokohama, Japan, July, 2016.


Tanaka, S., Yamakawa,N., Tamai, K., Namba, K., Sasaki, M., Obanawa, N. W., Kawai, M., Yamamoto, H. (2016)
The maternal affect toward infants during the puerperal period might be correlated with the biomarkers in cord blood, Poster presented at International Congress of Psychology 2016, Yokohama, Japan, July, 2016.


Nakayama, R., Namba, K., Kawai, M. (2016)
Exploring parental behavioral factors which influence to social development of their children for construction of easy developmental test for infants, Poster presented at International Congress of Psychology 2016, Yokohama, Japan, July, 2016.


Tanaka, S., Ko Oo, A., Bonn, M., Hatsumi Yamamoto, Ido, M., Kawai, M. (2016)
Relationship Between Maternal Psychological Factors and Biomarkers in Umbilical Cord Blood, The 70th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of National Medical Services, pp.2-41-7, Naha City, November. (In Japanese)


Terai, T, Takai, H., Alfonso, V. C., Traynor, J., Sunderland, J., Kawai, M. (2016)
Short-term longitudinal study in Japanese elementary and junior high schools regarding school adaptation -Is there any sign before being maladjusted?-. Proceeding and Abstracts of the 28th Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium (JUSTEC), Presentation16, p.41, Ehime University, Japan, November, 2016.

7) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sasaki, M., Obawana, W. N., Yamamoto, H., Tanaka, S., Tamai, K. (2017)
Developmental Processes from the Perspective of System Approach (2) KIDS (Infant Development Test) Examination from Cross-delay Model Analysis of 5 regions, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, pp.432, Hiroshima University, March. (In Japanese)
1) Yoshida, H., Nakai, A., Kouyama, T., Beppu, S., Kawai, M. (2016)
How to Deal with Developmental Disability - Current Situation and School Adaptation of Children and Students Who Need Special Consideration-
Open Symposium Designated Discussion, The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology, Annual Report of Educational Psychology 56, pp.315-335, Ritsumeikan University, December. (In Japanese)

◆Book Chapters
1) Kawai, M. (Ed.) (2015, February).
Psychology for Nursing Practice (Fourth revised ed.). Osaka:Medikashuppan. (In Japanese)
2) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sasaki, M., Ishikawa, M., & Tamai, H. (2015, March)
Progress Reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2014. Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 45, 67-82. (In Japanese)
◆Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Liqing Xu, Shigeki Tanaka, Motoki Bonno, Masaru Ido, Masatoshi Kawai, Hatsumi Yamamoto, & Yoshihiro Komada (2014, May)
Cold blood CD25 regulatory T cells fail to inhibit cord blood NK cell functions due to insufficient production and expression of TGF-beta1, Cellular immunology, 89-95. (In Japanese)
2) Aoki, T., Takeoka, Y., Sewake, R., Komai, K., Naruse, M., Suzuki, Y., Oriyama, H., Miura, M., Yamamoto, K., Sato, Y., Kawai, M., Tanaka, S., & Yamamoto, H. (2015, January).
Efforts to Standardize Psychological Vital Signs of Nursing Students. Medical Treatment, Japanese Journal of Medical Services, 69(1), 4-11. (In Japanese)
3) Namba, K., Kawai, M., Sasaki, M., Yamakawa, Y., & Yamamoto, H. (2015, March)
The Developmental Change of Behavioral Suppression in Infancy (5) -Microanalysis for Behavioral Suppression of 3.5, 5, and 6-year-olds in laboratory-. Poster Presentation of the 26th Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, Tokyo University.
1) Special Research Report (2014-2015)
Developmental Cohort Study in Nishinomiya)

◆Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Kawai, M., Sunderland, J., Traynor, J., Takai, H. & Terai, T. (2014, September)
A Cross Cultural Comparison of Japanese and American Elementary and Middle-School Children’s Attitudes and Behaviors toward Academic and Social Issues 2 from the Results of Japanese Students’ Short Term Longitudinal study. Proceeding and Abstracts of the 26th Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium, Tokyo Gakugei University.
2) Namba, K., Kawai, M., Sasaki, M., Yamakawa, Y., & Yamamoto, H. (2014, November).
The Developmental Change of Behavioral Suppression in Infancy (4) ?the Laboratory Experiment Results of 5-year-olds and Relations and Behavioral Assessment of 5 and 6-year-olds by Mothers and Teachers-. Poster Presentation of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology, Kobe University.
1) The Study Regarding living conditions and school supports of Junior high and high school students in Japan and America (Gonzaga Dispatch)
We conducted a questioner called Q-U at subject schools regarding human relationships in classrooms. It is maintained as a cooperative study with Gonzaga University, and we have been reporting our progress since 2012. In 2013-2014, we conducted the questioners twice, once in spring and in winter, and the data was matched to the previous data and IDs. It is becoming useful to keep collecting data for the schools to understand students.
2) Kawai Masatoshi, Jon Sunderland, John Traynor, Takai Hiromi, Terai Tomoko (2014)
A Cross Cultural Comparison of Japanese and American Elementary and Middle-School Children's Attitudes and Behaviors toward Academic and Social Issues 2 -From the Results of Japanese Students’ Longitudinal Study. Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium (JUSTEC).

Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sasaki, M., Yamakawa, N., & Yamamoto, H. (2013, August).
The developmental change of behavioral suppression in infancy (1): Using duration of self-control as an index. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology, Hosei University, Ichigaya Campus. (p. 499). (In Japanese)
2) Namba, K., Kawai, M., Sasaki, M., Yamakawa, N., & Yamamoto, H. (2013, August).
The developmental change of behavioral suppression in infancy (2): Focusing on behavioral combination. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology, Hosei University, Ichigaya Campus. (p. 500). (In Japanese)
3) Namba, K., Tamai, K., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2013, September).
An exploratory research in attempt to understand the developmental pathways using latent growth curve model analysis (1): Presenting a model based on kinder infant developmental scale (KIDS). Proceedings of the 77th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido. (p. 1026). (In Japanese)
4) Tamai, K., Namba, K., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2013, September).
An exploratory research in attempt to understand the developmental pathways using latent growth curve model analysis (2): Examining the predictive variables of growth parameter. Proceedings of the 77th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido. (p. 1029). (In Japanese)
Other Presentation
1) Kawai, M. (2013).
The Kansai Psychological Association Public Symposium. Wakayama Television News (WTV) November 3rd, 2013. (In Japanese)
*More presentations to come

Book Chapters

Kawai, M. (2012).
Developmental Psychology (1. Applying developmental psychology to school education 2. Cognitive Development). In Japanese Organization of School Psychology (Ed.), Guidebook of school psychology (3rd ed.)(pp. 79-87). Tokyo: Kazamashobo. (In Japanese)


Kawai, M. (2012).
Infancy (3. Movement). In K. Takahashi, R. Yugawa, H. Ando, & H. Akiyama (Eds), Introduction to developmental science (2) From conception to childhood (pp.79-88). Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. (In Japanese)


Kawai, M. (2012).
Dynamic Systems Approach. In K. Takahashi, R. Yugawa, H. Ando, & H. Akiyama (Eds), Introduction to developmental science (1) Theory and research methods (pp. 212- 213). Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. (In Japanese)

4) Kawai, M. (2012).
Fetal period and infancy. In K. Ninomiya, H. Onogi, & H. Miyazawa (Eds), Lifespan Developmental Psychology (2nd ed.)(pp. 31-48). Kyoto: Nakanishiya Shuppan. (In Japanese)
Journal Articles
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sasaki, M., Ishikawa, M., & Tamai, H. (2012).
Progress reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2011. Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 42, 107-121. (In Japanese)
2) Obanawa, N.W., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2012).
Relations between salivary α-amylase activity and motivation in preschool-age children. The Journal of Child Health, 71(3), 360-365. (In Japanese)
3) Ishikawa, M. (2012).
Delay in language. Today’s treatment guide (konnnichi no chiryou shishin), 1198. (In Japanese)

Matsuo, H., Futamura, M., & Ishikawa, M. (2012).
Cognitive development of extremely-low-birthweight infants and very-low-birthweight infants on WISC-R (or WISC-III) Intelligence Test and draw-a-man test at 9 years of age. Psychiatria Et Neurologia Paediatrica Japonica, 52, 183-192. (In Japanese)

5) Ishikawa, M. (2012).
How to deal with fixated behavior of children with autistic spectrum disorder. Aspeheart, 31, 38-41. (In Japanese)
Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) *Aoki, T., Kameoka, K, *Sewake, R., *Niiya, K., Suzuki, Y., Sato, Y., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2012, July).
Examining the effect nursing students’ psychological coping style have on the before and after of on-site training. Proceedings of the 26th Meeting of Japanese Society of Maternal Health, Mie. (p. 7). (In Japanese)
2) Kawai, M., Namba, K., & Sogon, S. (2012, March).
Observation of mother-infant behavior in laboratory situation and its relation to later social development (2): Relationship between features of infant observation situation and Kinder Infant Development Scale (KIDS). Proceedings of 23rd Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, Nagoya Congress Center. (p. 241). (In Japanese)
3) Namba, K., & Kawai, M. (2012, March).
The relations between changes in mother-child interaction during picture book sharing activity and developmental index: Findings from microanalysis of the “flip the page, look at the book” interaction. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, Nagoya Congress Center. (p. 268). (In Japanese)
4) Ohtani, N., Nishi, T., Mori, S., Yamakawa, N., Namba, K., Tanaka, S., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2012, September).
Findings from Suku-Suku Cohort Mie’s child-care consultation: Relationship between changes in details of consultation and children’s developmental level. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Health, Okayama. (p. 6). (In Japanese)
5) Ohtani, N., Nishi, T., Mori, S, Yamakawa, N., Tanaka, S., Namba, K., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2012, November).
Content of Suku-Suku Cohort consultation: Relationship between changes in details of consultation and children’s developmental level. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of Japanese Society of Maternal Health, Mie. (p. 6). (In Japanese).
6) Sato, Y., & Kawai, M. (2012).
Measuring of stress recognition type and resilience using MBSS. Proceedings of the 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Senshu University. (p. 54). (In Japanese)

Tanaka, S., Yamamoto, H., & Kawai, M. (2012, June).
The immunological effects maternal stress has on fetus. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Baby Science, Tokyo. (p. 4). (In Japanese)


Tanaka, S., Yamamoto, H., & Kawai, M. (2012, November).
The relations between immune characteristics of fetus and maternal stress. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of Japanese Society of Maternal Health, Mie. (p. 5). (In Japanese)


Yamakawa, N., Ohtani, N., Nishi, T., Mori, S., Namba, K., Tanaka, S., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2012, July).
Examining the relationship between the behavioral characteristics of the 42 months old participants and mothers’ resilience and self-esteem from Suku-Suku Cohort, Mie. Proceedings of the 26th Meeting of Japanese Society of Maternal Health, Mie. (p. 6). (In Japanese)


Yamakawa, N., Mori, S., Nishi, T., Ohtani, N., Namba, K., Tanaka, T., Yamamoto, H., & Kawai, M. (2012, September).
Examining the relationship between the developmental levels of five year olds and their reflection-impulsivity measured through the use of image search (MFF) test. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Health, Okayama. (p. 190). (In Japanese)

11) Yamakawa, N., Mori, S., Nishi, T., Ohtani, N., Namba, K., Tanaka, T., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2012, November).
Examining the relationship between the developmental levels of five year olds and their reflection-impulsivity. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of Japanese Society of Maternal Health, Mie. (p. 9). (In Japanese)
Other Presentation
1) *Kawai, M. (2012).
An invitation to cohort study: Research design and method of analysis. Designated Discussion. The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association Workshop. (Organizer: Shoichi Yokoyama, Tadahiko Maeda, and Takashi Nakamura; Presenter: Tadahiko Maeda; Topic providers: Tadahiko Maeda, Takashi Nakamura, and Shoichi Yokoyama). Proceedings of the 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Senshu University. (WS68). (In Japanese)

Journal Articles
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., & Sasaki, M. (2011).
Progress reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2010. Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 41, 65-91. (In Japanese)
2) Sogon, S., Namba, K., Yato, Y., & Kawai, M. (2011).
The relationships between the reaction patterns of separation anxiety among infants and the synchronization/attunement of facial expression during the mother-infant interaction: A comparative study between 4-month and 9-month olds. The Journal of International Association of Early Childhood Education, 19, 19-28. (In Japanese)
Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Sogon, S., Yamakawa, N., & Yamamoto, H. (2011, March).
Observation of mother-infant behavior in laboratory situation and its relation to later social development (1): Evaluating assessment method of mother-infant interaction in observation situation. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, Tokyo Gakugei University. (p. 218). (In Japanese)
2) Ishikawa, M., & Namba, K. (2011, June).
Evaluating the validity of categorical posture analysis of mother-child interaction. Proceedings of 105th Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Psychiatry and Neurology, Toki Messe, Niigata Convention Center. (p. 37). (In Japanese)
3) Namba, K., & Kawai, M. (2011).
Developmental changes relating to mother’s utterance behavior during picture-book sharing situation: Transition based on gender of 4 months, 9 months, 18 months, and 30 months old children. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, Tokyo Gakugei University. (p. 176). (In Japanese)
4) Namba, K., & Kawai, M. (2011, August).
Effects of mother-infant-interaction styles during picture-book sharing activity at 9 months of age on subsequent development. Poster presented at 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Bergen, Norway.
5) Namba, K., Tsukamoto, S., Uraoka, Y., Kawasaki, Y., Tatani, K., Wada, S., Oda, T., & Kawai, M. (2011, October).
The relationship between child-rearing behavior and mother’s sense of overwhelmingness and fulfillment in child-rearing during infancy. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Japanese Society of Child Science, Mukogawa Women’s University. (p. 23). (In Japanese)
6) Yamakawa, N., Ohtani, N., Nishi, T., Mori, S., Namba, K., Tanaka, S., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2011, September).
Examining the relationship between the characteristics of the 42 months old participants and mothers’ mental state from Suku-Suku Cohort, Mie. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Health, Nagoya Congress Center. (p. 172). (In Japanese)
7) Yamakawa, N., Ohtani, N., Nishi, T., Mori, S., Namba, K., Tanaka, S., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2011, October).
Examining factors relating to the results of self-control task administered to 30 and 42 months old children. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Japanese Society of Child Science, Mukogawa Women’s University. (p. 26). (In Japanese)

Journal Articles
1) Kawaguchi, H., Murakami, B., & Kawai, M. (2010).
Behavioral characteristics of children with high functioning pervasive developmental disorders during a game. Journal of Epidemiology, 20(2), S490-S497.
2) Kawai, M. (2010).
The behavior of newborn infants in extracting maternal affectionate love. Perinatal Medicine, 40(12), 1752-1755. (In Japanese)
3) Kawai, M., Namba, K., & Sasaki, M. (2010).
Progress reports on Mukogawa Women’s University Center for the Study of Child Development 2009. Mukogawa Women’s University Institute for Education Research Report, 40, 82-129. (In Japanese)
4) Kawai, M., Namba, K., Yato, Y., Negayama, K., Sogon, S., Yamamoto, H., & Japan Children’s Study Group. (2010).
Developmental trends in mother-infant interaction from 4-months to 42 months: Using an observation technique. Journal of Epidemiology, 20(2), S427-S434.
5) Yamakawa, N., Koike, H., Ohtani, N., Bonno, M., Tanaka, S., Ido, M., Komada, Y., Kawai, M. & Yamamoto, H. (2010).
Mission in Sukusuku Cohort, Mie: Focusing on the feasibility and validity of methods for enrolling and retaining participants. Journal of Epidemiology, 20(2), S207-S412.
6) Yamakawa, N., Koike, H., Ohtani, N., Bonno, M., Tanaka, S., Ido, M., Komada, Y., Kawai, M. & Yamamoto, H. (2010).
Mission in Sukusuku Cohort, Mie: A study focusing on the characteristics of participants and the mental health of the mothers raising children. Journal of Epidemiology, 20(2), S413-S418.
7) Yato, Y., Tanaka, D., Shinohara, R., Sugisawa, Y., Tanaka, E., Tong, L., Yamakawa, H., Anme, T., Kawai, M., Maeda, T., & Japan Children’s Study Group (2010).
Infant responses to maternal still face at 9 months predict social abilities at 18 months. Journal of Epidemiology, 20(2), S435-S440.
Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Kawai, M., & Namba, K. (2010, March).
The developmental changes of mother-child communication pattern (2): Focusing on its relation with KIDS score. Proceedings of 21st Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, Kobe Convention Center. (p. 361). (In Japanese)
2) Namba, K., & Kawai, M. (2010, March).
The developmental changes of mother-child communication pattern (1): Extracting expression, gaze, and utterance patterns during toy mediated interaction between mother and child. Proceedings of 21st Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology, Kobe Convention Center. (p. 360). (In Japanese)
3) Namba, K., & Kawai, M. (2010, September).
Changes in mother’s storytelling using wordless storybooks: A comparison between 4 months old and 9 months old infants. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Osaka University. (p. 1008). (In Japanese)
4) Obanawa, N.W., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2010, September).
Diurnal fluctuations of salivary α-amylase: Comparison of measurement methods. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Osaka University. (p. 495). (In Japanese)
5) Okazaki, A., Yugawa, Y., Sugimori, S., Inano, A., Matsuda, Y., Tsukamoto, S., Matsubara, M., Maura, N., Oda, T., Mizugami, K., Sono, J., Namba, K., & Kawai, M. (2010, July).
Mothers with babies in late infancy: Concerning the Sukusuku consultation activities. Proceedings of the 49th Kinki Regional Meeting of the Japanese Society of Public Health, Kyoto Terrsa. (p. 61). (In Japanese)
6) Yamakawa, N., Ohtani, N., Nishi, T., Mori, S., Namba, K., Kawai, M., Tanaka, S., Yamamoto, H., & Japan Children’s Study Group. (2010, July).
Findings from measurement of 42 months old children from infant development cohort “Sukusuku Cohort, Mie”. Special Summer Lecture Meeting at Japan Society of Maternal Health, Mie Prefectural College of Nursing. (In Japanese)
7) Yamakawa, N., Ohtani, N., Nishi, T., Mori, S., Namba, K., Tanaka, S., Kawai, M., & Yamamoto, H. (2010, September).
The behavioral observation ratings of 3 and a half year old participants of infant development cohort. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Health, Toki Messe, Niigata Convention Center. (p. 129). (In Japanese)

Presentations at Professional Conferences
1) Kawai, M., Namba, K., & Japan Children’s Study Group. (2009, August).
The effect mother-child interaction pattern has on children’s social development (3): Concerning the developmental trends of 4 months, 9 months, and 18 months old children’s behavioral categories through the use of microanalysis. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Ritsumeikan University. (p. 1137). (In Japanese)
2) Namba, K., Kawai, M., & Japan Children’s Study Group. (2009, August).
The relationship between mothers’ utterance, child-rearing stress and children’s language, social development: Examining the mediated interaction between mother and 9 months old infant using wordless storybook. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, Ritsumeikan University. (p. 1202). (In Japanese)

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